Congratulations, you're getting married!
For some Brides, a wedding is something they’ve planned for several years; they have an idea of what they want, they may even have picked out the dress, the cake, the venue.
For others, it’s almost as if the wedding comes as a complete shock! Where to start?
Planning your wedding can often begin with just one single inspiration. It might be a colour, a season (a Christmas wedding), a venue or even the thought of wearing pink trainers under your dress! It will be something that just blows you away and makes you want to theme everything else around it!

Whatever inspires you when you begin to plan your wedding, it is always a great idea to create a “mood board". If, for example, your wedding is in a medieval castle, you may want to look for décor and outfits that blend with the castle. Use your mood board to keep copies and cuttings of things that you may want to use. Telephone numbers and useful notes can be added to the board. As your wedding takes shape, you can add or remove items and you will also be left with the perfect souvenir of the wedding itself.
There are lots of ways to create a mood board. The most obvious is, well, use a board. Buy a large corkboard and pin a photo of your inspiration at the centre. Around this, you can add photos and drawings of dresses, scraps of materials, colours etc.
There. It's easy when you know how!