The Timeless Tradition of "Something Blue" and the Lucky Sixpence in Weddings

The Timeless Tradition of "Something Blue" and the Lucky Sixpence in Weddings

Weddings are rich with traditions that add a layer of meaning and magic to your big day. One custom that has stood the test of time and even adapted to modern day weddings is the  "Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue, and a Sixpence in your Shoe" tradition. This age-old rhyme lists the various tokens given to the bride to ensure good fortune and happiness.

The Origin of the Rhyme

The full rhyme is believed to have originated in England during the Victorian era. Each line of the rhyme represents a good luck charm for the bride, with each item carrying its own special symbolism:

- Something Old preserving continuity with the bride's family and the past
- Something New signifying optimism and hope for the bride's new life
- Something Borrowed from someone in a happy relationship to borrow that happiness
- Something Blue signifying fidelity, love, and purity
- A Sixpence in your Shoe for prosperity and wealth

The Significance of "Something Blue

Secret something blue pin

Our sterling silver Something Blue pin, place it in your gown somewhere ...

"Something blue" has a long history in wedding traditions, and goes back as far as ancient Rome, where brides wore blue to symbolize love, modesty, and fidelity. There are so many ways to incorporate something blue into your wedding day, from secret pins inside your gown to shoe clips and even on your wedding bouquet.


Something blue lariat necklace set
Beautiful wedding jewellery with just a touch of blue. 

The Lucky Sixpence

Lucky sixpence wedding bouquet charm
Carry your sixpence on your bouquet, not in your shoe!

 The final element of the rhyme, "a sixpence in your shoe," is for monetary good fortune. The sixpence, a British coin minted from 1551 to 1967, was traditionally given to the bride by her father to wish her wealth and prosperity in her marriage. The act of placing a sixpence in the bride's shoe is thought to bring financial security and happiness.

That said, who wants to walk around with uncomfortable shoes - especially on their wedding day! For this reason, brides have found many ways to incorporate their sixpences into their wedding attire or, quite often, on their bouquet.

So, when you plan your wedding, remember the traditions of "something blue" and the lucky sixpence and keep alive the customs that have been around for such a long time and honoured by so many brides in their own weddings. They are beautiful reminders of the past, blessings for the future, and symbols of love, fidelity, and prosperity. Take a look at how we can help you incorporate something blue and a lucky sixpence into your day to make your own story part of this long history.

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